Hi! I actually read your blog post about what happened to you and I thought it was really detailed and a great resource for the Blythe community to highlight how awful TIB is. I initially linked to it before it was set to private and was surprised to see you'd taken it down. So sorry to hear they've been harassing you. They're so awful and it must be so horrible to deal with. I'm not surprised they would behave so badly after seeing the nonsense and sexist comment they left on your blog though. Whoever is running this scam site is clearly a piece of work. The sheer effort they've dedicated to the scam is bizarre!
I'm not particularly worried about them doxxing me as I've not been a direct customer of them (though I almost was when I was first getting into Blythe but was thankfully put off by the cost of their dolls). If they do have my personal information it would also give away a link I suspect they have with another company that sells fake Blythes too. Thank you for letting me know what they're like though. Even so, I want to do what I can to warn newcomers to Blythe as TIB has perfectly positioned itself to exploit them. It makes me so angry that they're left to do this to people unchallenged. I'm currently doing some more research into them so there may be a follow up post in the future depending on what I find. In the meantime, I'll be reporting them everywhere I can at every opportunity!